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Turundajanõuanne #1: Pakendite tähtsus ja trükiste roll

Understanding the Role of Packaging in Print

I raise the following important topic for discussion. Most printing needs - approximately 90% - are related to packaging. Often, there's not a complete understanding of what is packaging and what isn't. Surprisingly, book or magazine covers can also be considered packaging - these are items that need buyer attention at the point of sale, thus functioning as packaging.

The service sector is another area where the concept of packaging extends. Business cards and gift cards are examples of elementary packaging. Whether it's a hairdresser, cosmetician, manicurist, masseur, or fitness trainer - all need attractive packaging.

Flyers, often not considered packaging, are important in marketing new services or products. Packaging needs occasional updates or seasonal changes. Co-packages or joint packages, such as Christmas packages or picnic baskets, are another example of packaging diversity.

Personalized packages or sleeves also play an important role. These allow covering industrially produced products or binding them into joint packages.

For all these printed materials, the amount of information can be reduced through the use of QR codes, which direct consumers to websites or landing pages.

One important characteristic that unites all these types of prints is solidity. This is key when handling packaging or making purchase decisions. Therefore, these cannot be simply printed items but should include at least one printing effect to ensure security and differentiation - this is especially important for gift cards and discount cards.

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